Road Conditions

Road Conditions

As road conditions can change day by day or minute by minute, motorists are advised to check websites before and while travelling to ensure they have the most current information on road conditions.

The local Road Reports posted below are generated on an ‘as-needed' basis, unless there are weather events that warrant daily updates. Bulloo Shire road reports updates are also available by contacting the Thargomindah Visitor Information Centre on 07 4621 8095.

Some roads in the shire are under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transport and Main Roads. For information on Main Roads closures, please visit

Drivers are urged and take caution on all roads, drive to prevailing conditions and show caution when crossing any stormwater on roadways. Please do not attempt to traverse creeks and other crossings that are clearly underwater. Remember, “If it's flooded, forget it!”